NADA BRAHMA - Die Welt ist Klang/Ton

Der gesamte Kosmos klingt. Wir Menschen bewirken Toene durch die Schwingungen unserer Gedanken und Gefuehle, unserer Worte und Taten. Alles schwingt und jede Schwingung besitzt einen Ton und ist ein Ton . Toene sind also bestimmte Schwingungen hinsichtlich Schwingungszahl und Wellenlaenge. Alle Planeten im Universum toenen und die der Sonne, der Erde und des Mondes etc. sind mit Mitteln moderner Techniken hoerbar gemacht worden. Unsere Koerperschwingungen/Frequenzen sowie die Geankenkraefte und Gedankentoene befinden sich nicht nur im Raum in dem wir uns aufhalten , sondern in vielen Dimensionen gleichzeitig . Dabei erreichen unsere Worte in der Regel nicht die Qualitaet der Gedankentoene und Gedankenraefte . Jedes unserer Organe hat z.B. einen eigenen Ton. Das Klangbild eines Menschen wird von allen Daten , Gefuehlen , Gedanken und Worten bestimmt, die jemals gemacht wurden. Auch jedes Tier und jede Pflanze sowie die gesamte Materie besitzen eigene Klangbilder. Wir tragen eine Lebensmelodie in uns, die sich mit unserer Bewusstseinsentwicklung wandelt. Darum ist die MUSIK ein elementarer Bestandteil unseres Lebens. Wir gehen in Resonanz mit der Musik , die unserer *Frequenz* entspricht. Musik generell kann unsere Gedankentoene anheben oder belasten. Darum ist von aussen kommende Musik ebenso wichtig wie die eigene, innere Musik. Toene bringen Farben hervor . Farben sind somit Folgewirkungen von Ton und Laut. Gedanken und Worte voller Liebe , Harmonie und Freude tragen ewige Melodien in sich . So think, talk & act positiv. OM , Shanti, Shanti OM.

"The world sounds. It is a cosmos of spiritually active beings." Vassily Kandinsky

Each human is music, day and night.
All organisms, and even inorganic forms such as crystals, are sound. The structure of leaves, flowers, fish, a piece of fruit, have number patterns from which consonances can be formed. A plant for example, has tripartite, and at the same time, pentamerous division patterns. It seems as if all plants possess harmonic shapes and proportions.
Likewise, a healthy human body is also structured according to harmonic laws.
Agrippa of Nettelsheim wrote at the beginning of the 16th century: "The one who is ill is out of sync with the universe. He can however regain harmony and become healthy if he orients his movements towards those of the stars." The cosmic tone, the sounds of the sun, the earth and the other planets have become audible in the meantime. This tone organizes the world and lends it structure, order and beauty. The PAX project tries, to some extent, to link up with this old knowledge and connect with the music of the cosmos. The chirping of the crickets, the singing of the birds, the puja with the conch shell and the mantra ìOM Ananda Mayiî on the PAX-CD along the 12 petals of the heart from Mirra Alfassa, point carefully to the path of returning to a state of harmony with the universe for the current generations and especially the youth.

Sounds in Time / Bharat Nivas / 01.01.2010 / Auroville

The rolling thunder makes our ear travel far out onto the
ocean, the cry of the bird lets us
feel the dimensions of the jungle. Sound sets the space in
which everything is happening.

Rap, DJ-ing and much of the youth’s culture is all about timing.
The drum loop sets the speed, the groove makes the
body move, the rap sets the accents and creates divisions in
time. Pure sound is associated with the timelessness of the
spirit,while time and rhythm are associated with the body’s
consciousness. Time shows its relativity on the backdrop of
space, while space becomes more tangible with the body’s
Sounds in time is an attempt to join these forces.

The project “Sounds in Time” is an exciting experiment where
the artists influence each others expression of sound and space
in real time. Based on improvisation the participants
will superimpose different modern musical and visual art
forms such a HipHop, Rap, DJing, Jazz, and VJ-ing, trying to
get a new touch, a new grip on popular culture.
A variety of creative tools and a mix of acoustic and electronic
sounds will be used to achieve this, while the diverging ages of
the artists will add an interesting additional depth to this.
EachoneTeachone joins forces with the seasoned jazz musician
and new-age improviser Holger Jetter, video-grapher Leonard
Pietri and Rapper Brown from Cape Town - one of
the most important fellow musicians. Their aim is to bridge
time and space, cultures and ages. Offering their individual
vision and expertise according to the spur of the moment,
touching the audience with a powerful, non commercial but
popular music event.

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